© 2014 flowkradd

Day 14 – The Doppelgänger

Before today whenever people stopped their cars on the road to talk to me it was for directions. Something I can’t help you at more than your phone can. Today a man called me over to his yard and asked me if I was that guy walking across america and said he had seen me on t.v. and he recognized my cart.

I have not been interviewed by anyone or done any media at all. Who is this other mystery man? A half mile later on the inside of a dangerous curve with no shoulder a truck with an extended cab stops in the middle of the turn and the front and back windows roll down.

“Hey aren’t you walking across America? Good luck man!! I recognize your contraption!” and he pointed at my cart as he took a cell phone picture. Then all three men in the cab of this truck reached out to shake my hand which I quickly did, worrying a car would come around the corner at any minute. People love what they think they saw on t.v.

I’m very confused, but I’ll go ahead and take all the good will I can even if it comes from someone else’s efforts. I even got offered a hot dog later but I had just had two delicious gyros. A little taste of the street food of home!

– Real time update. Wow the forecast said no rain and now its a downpour and i just managed to dive in the tent with the laptop and zip it up. Jesus. Its pelting and incredibly windy. Good job weather forecast.
Back to earlier in the day even as it pours outside.
I found a missing space shuttle.
What a shame that our space program has fallen so far.

I also stumbled on this sad story.

I was constantly passed by huge groups of motorcyclists. I never saw a sign for a gathering… is this just weekends in Pennsylvania?


Screen Shot 2014-06-28 at 8.07.29 PM


  1. Caitlin Berens
    Posted June 28, 2014 at 8:33 pm | #

    Were you in Brockway? If so: http://www.wearecentralpa.com/story/d/story/brockway-supports-trooper-wilson/36886/NKw1TO5qmEeF7P1ykxBHfg

    It was to celebrate Brad Wilson, a Pennsylvania State Trooper injured in the line of duty. He was shot and paralyzed from the chest down – he loved to ride so the motorcyclists you saw were riding to raise money as Wilson just got out of rehab and needs to make his house/car handicap accessible.

    Wow. Hope that’s what you witnessed. xo

  2. Kathy
    Posted June 28, 2014 at 8:44 pm | #

    I hope you’re taking a selfie every day. It will be interesting to see your transformation. It already is.

  3. Posted June 29, 2014 at 9:11 am | #

    There is a Turkish restaurant near my apt. here in sTL called TROY. It’s run by a family from near Sochi Russia. Tiffany gives their gyro an 8 out of 10. I am very fond of their Somsas…


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