© 2014 flowkradd

Day 28-31 – People in Indiana are Killing It

It has been a tough few days of thunderstorms and hills, but I have found some of the nicest people here in southern Indiana.

I stayed with the Bogans in Seymour. They were kind enough to let me into their home, sleep on their pull out-couch and feed me penne with a Guinness! I was amazed by their hospitality and openness.

The next day after walking through storms and along a hilly route the Bedford Fire Dept. put me up in their barracks. Couldn’t ask to meet a nicer bunch of guys. They welcomed me to chat and watch Stone Cold Steve Austin yell at contestants on a CMT version of the classic obstacle course TV show format. Can’t believe that lady didn’t make it to the top of the rope for 10 grand… Steve will you give me 10 grand for finishing this trip? Please?

You should have seen in the middle of the storm-filled night when the lights flicked on and the alarm sounded. The firefighters were instantaneously on their feet and out the door. The only time I’ve moved with such purpose and speed was when my phone rang and the it was the car I hired to take me to LGA at 6 am and I had slept through my alarm and was about to miss my flight.

After Bedford was yet another day of rain and hills that took their toll on my feet. I’ve rubbed my feet raw. My left ankle that constantly has to find footing off road over rocks and branches grew weaker and pained. I made it to Shoals, Indiana and as I sat enjoying the first really good burger of the journey at Bo-Mac’s Drive In an older man got out of his car and sat down with me.

Ronnie sold lubricants out of St. Louis, drove loads all over the country, strip mined coal, and had owned farms. Ronnie granted his success by keeping the lord at his side, but it seemed like he had done a lot for himself. Working hard from a young age and always doing favors for others that paid out for him in unexpected future ways.
Once in New York City before Christmas with a load of oranges on his truck Ronnie gave away a crate to a man who told a tale of woe. The man couldn’t afford gifts for his wife or children. Ever practical Ronnie made the man promise he would say he purchased the oranges to protect his loads value and the man was such a good orange evangelist he managed to sell the whole load for Ronnie.

Maybe Haley Joel Osment was onto something.

After I ate with Ronnie I limped another 8 miles to a church in Loogootee, Indiana partially in the dark

where the pastor was kind enough to let me in at 10:30 at night. Thank you so much Pastor Greg. You are too kind!

Today a man pulled over for a friendly chat on the road to Washington, Indiana, another person from the church I stayed in last night pulled over to check on me, and a car full of kids even waved to me. I thought kids were inherently asses. I guess not. Even last night as I limped into Loogootee a couple teenagers stopped in the road to ask me what I was up to and then wished me good luck.

Thank you Indiana! One of the nicest people I know, Kyra, a NYC friend, is from Indiana though so it should come as no surprise I guess.

I’m going to spend the next day recuperating in a hotel in Washington, Indiana before I set out again with renewed vigor, ankles and heels.

Day 28
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Day 29
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Day 31
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  1. Posted July 15, 2014 at 3:14 pm | #

    I am amazed at how fast you are going…

  2. Peggy P
    Posted July 15, 2014 at 3:22 pm | #

    I enjoyed seeing the pictures of you and Ronnie. You are looking mighty lean and mean, my friend!

    Also I was pleased to know of the kindness of the Indiana folks. Finally, a string of them who have a heart. I grew up in the West, have spent a lot of time in the East, and the Midwestern people just seem to have it together, especially when a fellow is a little bit vulnerable.

    You are in our thoughts, and you are doing a great job of realizing your dream.

  3. Deborah Metz
    Posted July 15, 2014 at 5:40 pm | #

    Tim, you are blowing my mind with the distances you cover in a day. Almost 40 miles in a day walking! Unbelievable! Joseph Campbell was the one that said to follow your bliss. You may not feel too blissful at the moment, but as we say in our family, “You don’t have to be having fun, to have fun.” The stories you are collecting from your experience will last you a lifetime!

  4. Posted July 15, 2014 at 7:55 pm | #

    So glad you are running into great people! The world is full of them! You are doing a great job and we are so happy to see you taking a much deserved and needed break! Slow down, smell the roses and give that body some breaks–ok!

  5. Chan Mattingly
    Posted July 17, 2014 at 12:50 pm | #

    Hey, Tim, I told you SE Indiana folks are a friendly bunch! We had a gal canoe down the Ohio River a few years ago (has written a book currently on the Internet, A River Runs Through Me) and she met all kinds of friendly and helpful folks.

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